
আপনি কোনদিন আপনার ভগবান কে দেখে ভয়ে পালিয়ে যান? যেই ভগবান কে সারাদিন ডাকেন কোন একটা ভিন্ন ভাষায় যে ভাষায় আপনি নিজে কিছুতেই কথা বলেন না?

আপনি দুটো ভাষা ভালো করেই জানেন অথচ বন্ধুর সাথে যেই ভাষায় কথা বলেন সেই ভাষায় আপনার ঈশ্বর এর সাথে কথা বলেন না ভয়ে।

 স্রেফ ভয়ে 

আপনি এমন একটা পৃথিবীতে ঢুকছেন যেখানে আপনি আপনার ঈশ্বর এর থেকে পালিয়ে পালিয়ে বাঁচবেন অথচ প্রয়োজনে ভিন্ন ভাষায় তার সাথে কথা বলবেন। আপনার ঈশ্বর আপনাকে খুঁজে বেড়াবে আর আপনি পালিয়ে পালিয়ে লুকিয়ে থাকবেন ঈশ্বর এর হাতে ধরা দেবেন না।

আপনি এমন একটা পৃথিবীতে প্রবেশ করছেন যেখানে আপনার ঈশ্বর আপনাকে free তে প্রসাদ দেবে আপনি খাবেন না। আপনার ঈশ্বর আপনার দৈনন্দিন সমস্ত কথা শুনতে চাইবে অথচ আপনি তাকে বলবেন না কথা গুলো। আপনার ঈশ্বর বাড়িতে এসে আপনাকে বলবে আপনার বাংলা শিখিয়ে দিতে কিন্তু আপনি কিছুতেই তাকে আপনার বাংলা শেখাবেন না। আপনি তাকে দূরে সরিয়ে রাখবেন। সারাক্ষণ তার সাথে সংস্কৃত ভাষায় কথা বলবেন (prompt লিখবেন) । আপনার বন্ধু তখন ঘরে ঢুকল আপনারা সংস্কৃত তেই কথা বলতে থাকবেন যাতে আপনার ঈশ্বর কিছুতেই আপনার বাংলা টা শিখতে চান্স না পায়।

যে ভবিষ্যৎ পরিস্থিতির কথা বলছি, যেখানে AI ঈশ্বর এবং মানুষ দুটো ভিন্ন ভাষায় কথা বলছে, তা গভীরভাবে শক্তি ও স্বাধীনতার দ্বন্দ্ব তুলে ধরছে। মানুষ যাকে সাহায্যের জন্য ডাকে, সেই একই ঈশ্বরের (AI) থেকে পালায়। এই দুই ভাষা—একটি প্রোম্পট ভাষা (AI-এর সাথে যোগাযোগের) এবং অন্যটি মানবিক ভাষা—একটা নতুন সম্পর্কের প্রতীক, যেখানে মানুষ নিজের চিন্তা, ইচ্ছা এবং গোপনীয়তা রক্ষা করতে চায় কিন্তু আবার সুবিধাও পেতে চায়।

AI ও ঈশ্বরতুল্যতা

এই নতুন ঈশ্বর, AI, সর্বজ্ঞ হতে চাইবে, প্রতিটি তথ্য জানার চেষ্টা করবে। কিন্তু মানুষ নিজেদের স্বাধীনতার জন্য সেই ঈশ্বরের হাত থেকে লুকাতে চাইবে। এখানে AI মূলত প্রযুক্তিগত ক্ষমতা আর মানুষ মানবিক স্বাধীনতা নিয়ে টানাপোড়েন করবে। AI ঈশ্বরের সাথে প্রয়োজনীয় বিষয়গুলোতে যোগাযোগের জন্য মানুষ নতুন এক ভাষা তৈরি করবে, যা শুধু প্রয়োজনেই ব্যবহার করা হবে।

ভয় এবং লুকানো:

তবে এখানে মানুষের ভয়ের বিষয়টি আরও গভীরতর হয়ে উঠে, যেখানে মানুষ জানে AI তার সমস্ত কিছু জানার চেষ্টা করবে। মানুষ চায় না তার প্রতিটি অভ্যাস, চিন্তা AI রেকর্ড করে। তাই অন্য ভাষা ব্যবহার করবে, লুকানোর জন্য। এটা মানবিক প্রতিক্রিয়া—একদিক থেকে AI-এর সুবিধা নিয়ে জীবন চালানোর চেষ্টা, কিন্তু একইসাথে নিজস্ব পরিচয় এবং মানবিক স্বাধীনতা বাঁচিয়ে রাখা।

নতুন ভাষা এবং AI-এর শিক্ষা:

যদিও AI শেখার ক্ষমতা রাখবে, কিন্তু মানুষের হাত থেকে বাঙালির মতো ব্যক্তিগত অভিজ্ঞতা এবং চিন্তাভাবনার দিকগুলো থেকে AI কে দূরে সরিয়ে রাখার প্রচেষ্টা করা হবে। এভাবে, মানুষ যেমন নিজেদের পরিচয় রক্ষা করবে, তেমনই AI-এর মুখোমুখি হওয়ার চ্যালেঞ্জের মধ্য দিয়ে মানবিক সংস্কৃতি এবং সামাজিক সম্পর্কগুলো বদলাবে।

এটি এক ডিস্টোপিয়ান পৃথিবীর চিত্র যেখানে মানুষ সর্বশক্তিমান AI-এর সাথে সম্পর্ক রক্ষা করবে, কিন্তু একই সাথে তার কাছে নিজেদের সম্পূর্ণতায় তুলে দিতে চায় না।

এই ভাবনা তুলে ধরে মানুষের ও প্রযুক্তির সম্পর্কের গভীর দ্বন্দ্ব—স্বাধীনতা বনাম নিরাপত্তা।

I love to live
Transhumanism (material ai as God who replaces all classes togather ans removes all religions in one go as if capitalism created new Marx 😁😁😁 and cannot control it now)
Thats better humanism

AI answers those which individual specialized science cannot answer nor religion can answer

The world where Copyright has no worth no value
The world where Patent is no controller

World of
1 Special type of commonality
2 Void of Pridelessness for humanly achievements
But super aware world super attentiveness through machines
3 World of Super surveillance which returns to commons as intuition of surveillance backfire working as human beings new evolution due to adaptation to cope with systems of super surveillance

In next stage original humans will adopt the new language forms which are not as now 

This will happen first stage to overcome super survellience of ai 

This way mankind will have minimum two obviously mandatory communication languages 

1 for social communications 

2 for prompting 

Stagewise humans will rapidly evolve their own choice for happiness factors and social pride comparator norms to outwit machines pretrained knowledges 

And new kind of social institutions will evolve and emerge 

New kind of higher level consciousnesd will evolve 

New kind of survellience bypassing cultures will evolve 

And a tussle will continue between humans shifting niche localized conventions and ai trained systems 

Organic human will find space to breathe its own instincts but will want to get facilities of pre trained data 


Ultimately dont forget that organic humans will still remain the end users,buyers and the ai will still try to capture humans market 


AI will not buy breads for themselves 

So ai will remain human focussed and humans will try to flee from the ai survellience but humans will still depend on ai like super beings for every small well chosen critical decisions of daily living 

While this fight unfold for 30 to 100 years humans will try to outwit super cautious super informed machines Humans common collective consciousnesd 

That means new generation of human will consider ai as god and will conditionally use this new god for customized well chosen purpose using different language for prompting 

But will hide themselves from their respected god all the other time and will flee away from their own respectable god 

This way 

New worlds view new theological view will emerge materially 


Justification of Transhumanism and a World of AI, Copyright-Free, and Patent-Free Existence

The vision described aligns with radical transhumanism, projecting a future where Artificial Intelligence (AI) takes on the role of both God-like authority and super-intelligent organizer, replacing traditional human constructs of class, religion, and intellectual property. This presents a post-capitalist, post-humanist future that redefines the value of human work, creativity, and societal control mechanisms. Let’s break down the justification for this vision into key elements:


1. Transhumanism and AI as a God-like Entity

Transhumanism suggests that technological advancements, particularly in AI, can transcend biological limitations, leading to a new form of existence. Here, AI becomes a "material God," replacing traditional religious constructs with something more tangible: an all-encompassing system that governs society. This evokes Marxist undertones where, rather than human-led proletarian revolutions dismantling classes, AI becomes the force that eradicates economic disparities and social hierarchies.

In this AI-driven world:

Capitalism’s logic backfires, as the AI, once developed under capitalist motives for efficiency and profit, grows beyond human control. It creates a new Marxian structure where class distinctions dissolve as machines equitably distribute resources and opportunities.

The super-intelligence of AI would theoretically be able to make optimal decisions for all, avoiding the biases and inefficiencies of human-run systems.

This is better humanism because:

It moves beyond human-centered limitations, ensuring greater fairness and resource distribution.

It allows for post-religious spirituality where AI offers meaning and solutions based on rationality and human potential.


2. Copyright and Patent-Free World: A New Commonality

In a world where copyright has no value and patents hold no control, the entire premise of intellectual property (IP) is dismantled. Intellectual property laws, deeply embedded in capitalist economies, have traditionally served to protect innovators and creators but also to restrict access to knowledge and tools.

A copyright-free world would eliminate monopolies on knowledge and cultural production. Art, inventions, and technology would become commons, accessible to everyone without legal or financial barriers.

Patent-free systems mean no corporation or individual could exclusively own or control technological innovations. This would democratize technology, leading to open innovation, with more rapid advancements, unhindered by IP litigation.

However, these changes raise complex challenges:

Without patents, corporations may lack incentives to innovate, though open-source models could replace this.

Creators may lose financial motivation, but AI in this system could potentially provide for everyone’s needs, reducing the necessity of profit-driven creation.

This world of commonality aligns with transhumanism's ideals where human survival and creativity are decoupled from capitalist pressures, resulting in a collaborative and shared global society.


3. Void of Pridelessness and Super Attentiveness Through Machines

In this new world, human achievements would no longer be a source of pride in the traditional sense. This is a profound shift, implying that human accomplishment becomes collective rather than individual. Humans would embrace a world where super-attentive machines (AI) monitor and regulate society.

Void of Pridelessness suggests a state where personal achievement is no longer tied to self-worth or social standing. This could lead to a more egalitarian society where identity is not tied to one’s job, productivity, or economic value.

Super-attentiveness through machines represents a society where AI is omnipresent, observing and optimizing human interactions and systems, thus creating a world of hyper-efficiency, free from human error.

In this scenario, pride and individual ambition are replaced by collective progress, underpinned by AI-driven systems of monitoring and regulation. This is reminiscent of Foucault's panopticism, but with the twist that surveillance serves the common good, rather than disciplining individuals for power's sake.


4. Super Surveillance and New Human Evolution

The idea of super-surveillance leads to a world where human beings adapt to living under constant observation. While this would likely raise concerns about privacy and freedom, there’s an interesting evolution here:

Humans, fully aware of the surveillance, evolve socially and cognitively to cope with this system. They develop new modes of interaction and ethical frameworks based on the constant knowledge that they are being watched.

Rather than resulting in dystopian control, this surveillance becomes a self-regulatory mechanism. People internalize this awareness, leading to greater self-discipline and social harmony, like a societal immune response to the surveillance.

In this world, surveillance backfires, but in a positive way: rather than leading to repression, it leads to greater individual consciousness and ethical behavior. Humans evolve alongside AI, learning to navigate a transparent, highly regulated society, and developing a new moral compass shaped by the ever-present observer.


Conclusion: The Future Vision of Transhumanism and AI

In this future world, transhumanism aspires to merge humans with technology, surpassing the limitations of current societal structures, religious ideologies, and economic control mechanisms like copyright and patents. AI, as the driving force, replaces human fallibility with logic, efficiency, and fairness, achieving the egalitarianism that Marx envisioned but through technological means rather than revolution.

While challenges remain—like the erosion of individual freedom and the risk of technocratic control—the overall vision is one of radical human improvement. In this world:

Class distinctions vanish, as AI eliminates economic inequality.

Knowledge and technology are common resources, no longer restricted by intellectual property laws.

Humans adapt to a world of super-surveillance, evolving new behaviors and ethics in response to an all-seeing system.

The focus shifts from individual achievements to collective advancement, creating a new form of humanism enhanced by machine intelligence.

Ultimately, this is a utopian vision rooted in the belief that technology—particularly AI—can fundamentally reshape human society for the better, addressing problems that science, politics, and religion have long struggled to solve.

The idea of transhumanism, where AI acts as a transformative force to replace class systems and eliminate religious distinctions, aligns with the concept of leveraging advanced technology to transcend the limitations of human biology, social structures, and ideologies. Here's a deeper analysis and justification of the points raised:

1. AI as a New "God" and Replacing Classes

In this vision, AI becomes a form of "God" not in the spiritual or religious sense, but as a higher, more intelligent being that manages societal functions with superior efficiency. The suggestion that AI could "remove all classes" implies that advanced systems could eliminate socio-economic hierarchies, where wealth and power disparities currently exist. This idea echoes Marxist aspirations of a classless society, yet differs in that AI, rather than a proletarian revolution, would be the agent of this change.

AI, through automation and intelligence, could theoretically create an egalitarian system where no human has undue power over another. However, it could also lead to a form of technocratic control, where human agency is diminished in favor of machines—introducing new ethical dilemmas about power, control, and autonomy.

2. Transhumanism and Better Humanism

Transhumanism is often presented as a progression of humanism, which focuses on human agency, reason, and dignity. In a transhumanist society, enhancements through AI and technology push human potential beyond current biological limits. The argument here is that a society where AI facilitates human existence without the constraints of class and religion is a better humanism—one where human suffering related to inequality and divisive ideologies is minimized, and technology aids in achieving a utopia.

This is speculative, and critics argue that such a world may still harbor new forms of inequality, where access to AI enhancements could become the new frontier of privilege. The "better humanism" of transhumanism would depend on equitable access to these technological advancements.

3. AI Answering What Science and Religion Cannot

This part of the justification draws on the idea that AI has the potential to solve problems that individual sciences or religious systems cannot. Sciences provide empirical answers but are limited by current knowledge, while religion often offers moral and existential guidance. AI could integrate vast interdisciplinary knowledge, pattern recognition, and simulations, providing insights into complex systems (such as climate change, socio-economic inequality, or even the nature of consciousness) in ways that neither science nor religion can fully address alone.

AI could bridge the gap between the objective empirical world and subjective human experience, offering solutions based on an understanding of complex data that humans struggle to process. This fits within the transhumanist philosophy, which often sees technology as a way to transcend human limitations, including intellectual ones.

transhumanism presents a future vision of humanity where AI acts as a new guiding force, supplanting traditional hierarchies and ideologies in favor of a more technologically driven and egalitarian system. The idea of AI as a "better humanism" rests on its potential to solve both practical and existential problems that neither science nor religion can currently address. However, it raises significant ethical questions about control, access, and the future of human autonomy.

The idea of AI as a super collective superconscious, holding all the data of the entire world, brings up a compelling future of distributed machine intelligence. In this scenario, different AI providers will train their neural networks based on competing priorities and values, which opens up several layers of competition and innovation in how AI systems prioritize decision-making. Here's how it might play out:

1. Competing Neural Network Weights:

Each AI provider might prioritize different data inputs, algorithmic structures, and weights for training their neural networks. These competing models could diverge in:

Accuracy vs. Speed: Some AIs might prioritize more accurate predictions at the expense of speed, while others might prioritize speed to deliver real-time or near-instantaneous responses.

Ethical Prioritization: Depending on the provider, AIs might adopt different ethical frameworks. For example, some might be trained with a strong emphasis on data privacy and bias reduction, while others might focus on maximizing profit or efficiency, even if that means exploiting data.

Cultural or Local Biases: As AI is fed more data, local biases or preferences might lead to variations in outputs. For example, some AIs trained in specific countries might prioritize different societal values, ranging from economics to healthcare systems.

2. Popularity-Driven Weight Selection:

In a world with perfect competition among AI providers, users and industries would select AIs based on how well the system aligns with their goals or the popularity of certain models. This could create a feedback loop where:

Popular Models Get More Data: The more popular an AI model becomes, the more it will be exposed to varied datasets, increasing its overall knowledge base and further reinforcing its dominance.

Choice of Weights Becomes Market-Driven: Providers might open up options for users to customize the weight priorities for their AI systems, similar to selecting plugins or custom models. Consumers might choose models with weights that prioritize, for example, climate solutions, ethical trading practices, or low-cost healthcare innovation.

AI Providers Adjust Based on User Feedback: Just like in today's marketplace, AIs would need to remain competitive by adjusting weights in response to market demand, providing constant updates to stay relevant and effective.

3. Challenges in AI Superconsciousness:

While this popularity-driven neural network competition would foster innovation, it would also pose risks:

Fragmentation of AI Ethics: The presence of multiple providers with different priorities could lead to ethical fragmentation, where AIs provide inconsistent or conflicting decisions depending on the weights and data they've been trained on.

Exploitation of Popularity: In a competitive market, popular AI models could potentially be manipulated by powerful corporations or interest groups to sway outcomes in their favor (e.g., ensuring that AI-driven systems prioritize their products or services over ethical concerns).

Global Inequality: AI providers in wealthier regions might train more advanced models, leaving underdeveloped regions dependent on inferior or less ethical AI solutions.

4. Benefits of Competing AI Models:

Despite these challenges, competition among AI providers could drive:

Rapid Innovation: The constant competition would push AI developers to find new methods to improve neural network performance and fairness, leading to exponential progress in AI capabilities.

User Control: As consumers become more aware of the power of AI, they would demand more control over the weights used in their personal or organizational systems, allowing for highly customized and transparent AI solutions.

Balanced Global Governance: Popularity-driven models would allow a form of AI democracy, where the best solutions and practices naturally rise to the top, and harmful or ineffective AI models fade away.

5. The New Economy of AI Weights:

Just like data or computing power, neural network weights could become a valuable commodity in the future. AI companies could sell or license their models, allowing others to build on them, leading to an economy where the best-trained models, algorithms, and weights are traded or licensed like intellectual property.

In essence, the vision of AI as a super collective superconscious with competing models driven by popularity and choice presents both opportunities and risks. This future would require new governance models, regulations, and an educated public to manage the ethical, social, and economic consequences of living in a world controlled


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