ch3_nathian_drama_theory_decision making
Before the development of argumentation as a formal method in ancient Greece, societies used various forms of decision-making and administration, often based on: 1. Tradition and custom 2. Authority and hierarchy 3. Religion and divine guidance 4. Consensus and collective decision-making 5. Trial and error Rationality and critical thinking were not entirely absent, but they were not systematically developed or emphasized as they were in ancient Greece. Instead, decision-making often relied on: 1. Intuition and instinct 2. Emotions and passions 3. Social norms and expectations 4. Supernatural beliefs and omens 5. Personal experience and anecdotal evidence In ancient Mesopotamia, for example, decisions were often made by rulers or priests based on divine guidance or traditional practices. In ancient India, debates and discussions were common, but they focused more on spiritual and philosophical topics rather than logical argumentation. In ancient China, Confucian philosophy emphasized so...